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Trabalho e Emprego
Áreas de Actividade
Trabalho e Emprego

In-depth analysis on specific new forms of employment: labour pooling, crowd employment and mobile work
Duração (início e fim): 01-10-2013 a 31-07-2014
Equipa: Heloísa perista (coord.), Paula Carrilho, com a colaboração de Janine Nunes
Entidade financiadora: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
Entidade promotora: The Public Policy and Management Institute
Evaluation of the practival implementation of EU Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Directives in EU Member States with a view to assessing their relevance, effectiveness and coherence, and identifying possible improvements to the regulatory framework
Duração (início e fim): 01-08-2013 a 31-08-2013
Equipa: Heloísa Perista (coord.), Eudelina Quintal
Entidade financiadora: Comissão Europeia / DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Entidade promotora: Cowi
Collection and review of skill mismatch policies and practices in the EU
Duração (início e fim): 01-08-2013 a 31-12-2013
Equipa: Heloísa Perista (coord.), Janine Nunes
Entidade financiadora: Cedefop
Entidade promotora: Panteia
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